Heck I need a new benz or beemer for my trade up home and how would it look if I did not go on vacation to Atlantis or Disney now that I live in a better neighborhood. The Fed has huge amount of liquidity out there and lending standards are relaxed once this ..... No, Al isn't pro-acid rain, and neither am I. But any sort of pollution control measure has the potential to be a job-killer, and the trick is how to move one ball forward without moving the other one backwards. ...
It's an astonishing number,'' said Susan Wachter, professor of real estate at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in Philadelphia. "Prices are falling more than people expected. There is no sign of a bottom. ... eager for the benefits of this scientific advance, and the small but intense minority who believe that a clump of a few dozen cells floating in a petri dish has the same human rights as you or I. But any Republicans who think the stem-cell breakthrough ...
SL On Friday, January 2 at 2:46 pm. Would you please tell Jerry i want to marry him!!!!! He's probably already married, and so am i, but any man with that kind of mind and skill is a rare find! ...